Τρίτη, Φεβρουαρίου 26, 2013

Books on Buildings: 20 Bookish Murals From Around the World

As you probably know, we’re pretty big fans of literary street art here at Flavorpill. But when we caught a glimpse of this beautiful bookish fresco over at the Picador Book Room, we realized we’d been missing a whole category — street art honoring authors and characters is all very good, but how about the books themselves? After the jump, we’ve put together a roundup of fantastic book murals on buildings from Russia to Sardinia (and yes, quite a few from the US). Click through for some whirlwind literary travel!

The exterior of La Bibliotèque De La Cité in Lyon, France. [Photos via]
A colorful mural in San Francisco, featuring Chaim Potok’s The Chosen, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s 100 Years of Solitude, Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, The Art Book, Cervantes’s Don Quixote, J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, and Douglas Adams’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. [Photo via]

The exterior of a Goodwill on the south side of Pittsburgh. [Photo via]

1 book mural
The charming side of a library in a small town outside Fontainebleau, France. [Photo via]

Photo Credit: Michael R. Allen
Photo Credit: Michael R. Allen
A very bookish parking garage at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon.

Book stairs! [Photo via]

Photo Credit: Kevin Christopher Burke
Photo Credit: Kevin Christopher Burke
An eclectic book mural in Portland, Oregon.

Photo Credit: Myles Friedman
Photo Credit: Myles Friedman
The book mural at Circle City Books and Music in Pittsboro, N.C. [Photo via]

A rundown building given the book treatment by art group Color of the City in Tyumen, Russia. [Photo via]

The Kansas City Public Library, Kansas City. [Photo via]

Photo Credit: ccarlstead
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay.

Photo Credit: balavenise
Photo Credit: balavenise
Faded mural in Paris, France.

Photo Credit: sadieknowlton16
Photo Credit: sadieknowlton16
Book Mural in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Photo Credit: Patrick Shepherd
Photo Credit: Patrick Shepherd
Larchmere literary mural, Cleveland, Ohio.

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Book wall detail
Building facade by Dutch artist, Sanja Medic in Amsterdam. [Photo via]

Gorgeous mural by Mauro Angiargiu in Lanusei, Sardinia. [Photo via

Book tree mural in Faifax, California. [Photo via]

Another rundown building transformed, this time by Art Facade, in Saint Petersburg, Russia. [Photos via]

Bookish street art in Pilsen, Chicago. [Photo via]

Photo Credit: Derek Montgomery
Photo Credit: Derek Montgomery
Near the entrance to Duluth library, Duluth, Minnesota. [Photo via]

Source: flavorwire.com

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