Κυριακή, Φεβρουαρίου 10, 2013

How Technology Is Shaping The Future Of Libraries (infographic)

Libraries are in the middle of a massive disruption right now. That much is known by pretty much everyone. Like the newspaper industry, they’re looking to technology and other methods to enhance their offerings and resources while feeling the pinch of smaller budgets. (Sound similar to schools and pretty much every other industry?)
So what are libraries actually doing right now to turn themselves into the perpetually useful spot to dig up the best research, find help with your education, and the many other activities they’re so well known for?
For one, the general public is relying on the free services offered by libraries more than ever before. Whether that’s due to the economy or not, it’s a good sign that the future of libraries is bright as long as they’re accurately steered in the right direction.
Key Takeaways
  • There are over 121,000 libraries in America and 69% of Americans use libraries
  • 67% of libraries offer downloadable e-books and 28% lend out e-readers and mobile devices
  • 95% of libraries have some kind of online, social media presence
This infographic from Open Site spells out the current and future trends happening at libraries in your school and around the world.

Source: edudemic.com

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