Δευτέρα, Ιανουαρίου 20, 2014

The future of books as seen in these 15 funny cartoons

Will print books die? Or maybe ebooks will die sooner? Will we live in shelfless flats, and forget how to turn a page? Or maybe robots will do all the reading for us?
Let’s take the point of view of cartoonists and cheer up. No matter where the book is heading, it will stay with us, in one form or another.
There is not reason to fear about the future of books, as long as you have the need to read.
And check out the last cartoon:-)

15 cartoons about the future of books


Kindle Nook Sony Reader - I say Hardwick this sure is an impressive library - a cartoon by Jeffery Koterba
Kindle, Nook, Sony reader… I say, Hardwick, this sure is an impressive library. A cartoon by Jeffery Koterba, cartoonist, writer, and musician. ⇢ Credits and more info.


An e-reader arrives in kitchen and what happens next. A cartoon by Tom Gauld. ⇢ Credits and more info.


Future for bookstores cartoon
A future for bookstores. ⇢ Credits and more info.


Gifting a book in 2033 (cartoon) | Ebook Friendly
Gifting a book in 2033. ⇢ Credits and more info.


New on your e-reader: used book simulation. ⇢ Credits and more info.


Frozen iPad cartoon


When books came into being
When books came into being. ⇢ Credits and more info.


10th generation Kindle
10th generation Kindle. ⇢ Credits and more info.


Libraries of the future - a cartoon by Tom Gauld
Libraries of the future. ⇢ Credits and more info.


Remember us books? ⇢ Credits and more info.


The book of the future. A cartoon by Grant Snider / Incidental Comics. ⇢ Credits and more info.


Good old days when reading had some physicality. ⇢ Credits and more info.


How to use paper books
How to use paper books. ⇢ Credits and more info.


Ebooks and hackers in 2020
Ebooks and hackers in 2020. ⇢ Credits and more info.


Introducing aBook. ⇢ Credits and more info.

Source: ebookfriendly.com

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