Google’s SafeSearch feature allows users to search the web with an effort to exclude inappropriate content from popping up. It’s a free service that is ideal for families who don’t want to be exposed to such things.
SafeSearch uses automated methods to help prevent objectionable and adult content from appearing in search results.
Specifically, SafeSearch does the following:
“Strict filtering” filters sexually explicit video and images from Google search results pages and results that might link to explicit content
“Moderate filtering” excludes sexually explicit video and images from Google search results pages, but does not filter results that might link to explicit content. This is the default setting.
“No filtering” turns off SafeSearch filtering completely.
If a parent is interested in locking SafeSearch so that a child or teen can’t change it, go to the following Google Support article.
Recently, Google updated SafeSearch to improve accuracy, including when doing video and image searches. Those changes include the following:
–Improved the handling of adult video content in video mode for queries not seeking adult content.
–Decreased the amount of adult content that shows up in Image Search mode when SafeSearch is set to “strict.”
–In “strict” SafeSearch mode, results are removed if not very relevant. This now includes languages other than English.
–Updated SafeSearch algorithms to better detect adult content.
It’s nice to see Google improving SafeSearch to help families. We urge parents to use SafeSearch. Even an innocent Google search can turn up all sorts of inappropriate content. Unfortunately, SafeSearch is not 100% accurate, but if parents pair it with a dedicated internet filter, they are much more likely to get the protection their families need.
Πηγή: www.ikeepsafe.org
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